Women on Sex is a woman centered web series that serves as a platform for African women to interrogate & reclaim the narrative around Gender and sexuality. Through a diverse group of women’s personal accounts, Women on Sex seeks to change society's patriarchal perspectives and empower women. Each 5-10 minute episode unpacks, interrogates and challenges sexual norms that affect women negatively through a specific theme or topic. The themes and topics include Purity Culture; Sex, Money & Power; Body Politics; Orgasm; Rape Culture to name a few. The idea for Women on Sex came after actor and filmmaker Mmabatho Montsho noted the overwhelming patriarchal tone of mainstream media and the absence of African women centered content in regards to sex and sexuality. The frank and candid interviews unmask stigma and stereotypes surrounding women’s sexuality in South Africa while exposing unrealistic expectations of women and their sexuality. It is an open, refreshing conversation on sex, led by women for women.