Monica Williams is the creator, producer and writer of Treelawn Adventures. Born in Jamaica, West Indies, currently living in Toronto, Canada for the majority of her life, she is married and a mother of 3. 'The inspiration behind Treelawn Adventures came after I had my youngest daughter Nyah and opened a successful in home daycare called, Treelawn Daycare. I was blessed with the opportunity to come to know and care for many wonderful, beautiful and diverse children who to this day, all hold a special place in my heart. My passion is writing and I am a basketball enthusiast who enjoys spending quality time with family. I am a devout Christian who loves the Lord. My life’s mission is to lead people to Christ, my heart’s desire is to help those who are in need and my sincere hope is that one day, people of all backgrounds and race can come together peacefully and unite. This can only be achieved with love, concern and respect for others, regardless of each other’s differences.' Treelawn Adventures recreates a world where children learn the importance of love, equality and acceptance for all, from an early age when it matters the most. It is important for every child to feel the value of self-worth and understand that despite our differences, we are all unique, wonderful and diversely beautiful.